
Showing posts from February, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection Day 13 chapter 16

Chapter 16: Grant is finally facing Miss Emma, Tante Lou, and reverend Ambrose. Miss Emma seemed to be upset with Grant, because as he had told her the week before that Jefferson was progressing , she found out for her self that it was actually a lie. Miss Emma starts to cry and tells Grant that he has to visit Jefferson again because he was a teacher. I'm assuming that Miss Emma is somewhat convinced that Grant could actually turn Jefferson into the man he is or continue to be called a hog.

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection Day 12 Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Vivian finally gets to meet Tante Lou. She was kind of raspy and nosy towards Vivian. I found it quite rude of Grant's aunt to ask Vivian did she attend church weekly. I think she was curious because, she knows Grant didn't believe in God and to see if Vivian would be accepting to the fact that he didn't. Since she attended church weekly. Vivian of course said that they'll find a way to work it out and stay with Grant.

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection Day 11 Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Vivian has come to see Grant unexpectedly. I was kind of curious as to why Vivian popped up on Grant, but turns out she only misses him. Vivian was observing the house Grant was in and called it "Rustic". They soon took a walk, ate sugarcane, and even became intimate with each other. Vivian has a strange feeling and Grant's facial expression didn't satisfy her. She soon ask about her soon to be born baby's name and they were compromising on the name Paul or Paulette. After the discussion of naming the unborn child, Grant and Vivian enjoyed the rest of their evening eating sugarcane under a pecan tree.

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection Day 10 Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Grant is finally facing the heat that he knew was coming from Miss Emma. When she decided to pay him full attention, Grant could tell that she had doubts about what he was telling her. I've noticed that Tante Lou is very religious and kind of hates that fact that Grant isn't. Tante Lou has a very demanding personality, but Grant decides to ignore her in some situations. I think that reverend Ambrose, Miss Emma, and Tante Lou are going to be very upset when they go and visit Jefferson on Monday and discover that everything Grant was telling them about Jefferson was a complete lie.

Reflection of my weekend

My weekend went great. I marched in the Mardi Gras Parade in downtown Mobile. I also went out to eat with my family, celebrating my baby cousin's birthday. I enjoyed myself really much because I was around my family and friends!

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection Day 9 chapters 11 and 12

Chapter 11: Grant finally gets one on one time with Jefferson and it didn't go to well. As usual, Jefferson wasn't speaking just sitting and staring. When Jefferson finally spoke to Grant, he asked had he brought any corn with him. Jefferson was being sarcastic when he asked did Grant bring him any corn because he later referred to himself as a hog. I really baffles me that Jefferson didn't have much to say to Grant, now that he was visiting him alone without Miss Emma. Grant desperately tries to find a lie to tell Miss Emma so she wouldn't be more upset than she already is. Chapter 12: While trying to get his mind off the lie he's going to tell Miss Emma, Grant attempts to clear his mind by taking a trip to the Rainbow Bar. Grant comes across a group of men talking about Jackie Robinson. While listening to them, Grant still can't seem to get Jefferson's execution off of his mind.

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection Day 8 chapter 10

Chapter 10: Grant is finally fed up with playing into his aunt's games and decides to tell her. Tante Lou was being very considerate of Grant's feeling because she knew he didn't want to keep going to the jail every week but instead she made him go. The week that she made him go by himself was the last straw. Grant told her how he was often humiliated by the policemen down at the station in  Bayonne. Miss Emma continued to tell Grant that he didn't have to go, but Tante Lou still made him go against his will.

A Lesson Befor Dying Reflection day 7 chapter 9

Chapter 9: The day has come where Grant is going to visit Jefferson. When asked how Jefferson was doing, officer Paul said that he was quiet. When Grant and Miss Emma went to Jefferson's cell, he was staring at the ceiling not even responding to them. I think Jefferson could have been a little more grateful that any one has come to visit him, knowing the situation he's in. Grant mentioned that Jefferson was staring at the ceiling, but wasn't seeing the ceiling. I think Jefferson was day dreaming about the life he had before he got himself into a horrible predicament. Jefferson even went as far as to ask Grant was he the one going to hit the switch to kill him. I'm sure Grant was thinking to himself that he was right all along about going to see Jefferson, that it was in fact a waste of his time.

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection Day 6 chapter 8

Chapter 8: I found this chapter very interesting because Grant kind of comes to his senses when he realizes the life of a negro during that time was just a cycle. He saw the older boys chopping wood and compared them to the two men who brought the wood in for winter. Matthew Antoine tried to warn Grant about the cycle that was bound to happen over and over again, instead Grant decided ton go and get "educated" as Mr. Antoine said. Matthew Antoine felt that he was very superior to Grant because he was Mullato, which means Bi-racial, but he was still referred and treated like a negro. The reason I think Mr. Antoine hates Grant is because he sees himself in Grant, because he too was a teacher at the same school and still never managed to escape the cycle of a negro.

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection Day 3,4, and 5 chapters 5-7

Chapter 5: Grant is becoming more and more stressed about the Jefferson situation, that he takes his anger out on his students. I thought it was unprofessional for Grant to get his feelings involved with him teaching his students. Grant even went as far as hitting a young boy for taking to long to answer a math problem. if I was in  Grant's position, I would have been more patient with the students instead of letting the outside world affect me from teaching the students. Chapter 6: Grant goes and talk to t sheriff Sam Guidry. Grant grew impatient,  until Mr. Guidry came into the kitchen where he had been standing for two hours. As the two of them begin talking, Grant knew he couldn't sound to educated when talking in front of four white men. While they were talking, Mr. Guidry asked Grant about him going to see Jefferson. Grant really didn't care if Mr. Guidry wouldn't have granted him permission to go see Jefferson, because he didn't want to anyway but, Mr. G

A Lesson Before Dying reflection chapter 4 Day 2

In chapter 4, I was introduced to Vivian, who is Grant's girlfriend or soon to be girlfriend. Grant it feeling emotionally and mentally lost because he feels as him going to visit Jefferson is pointless, because he's going to die either way. I found it interesting that Grant confided in Vivian about Jefferson's situation, also expresses how he wants them two to get away and live their lives as a happy couple. In my opinion, I think Grant truly loves Vivian because, he is willing to wait for her and still accept her, after her divorce is final. I predict that Grant will go and visit Jefferson, and it will turn out just as he imagined it to be. Pointless.

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection chapters 1-3 Day 1

Chapters 1-3 had me anxiously waiting to see what was going to happen next. The first chapter was obviously crazy because Jefferson was being accused of a huge crime he may have or haven’t done, but based on the novel’s setting and time, readers may have already assumed that he would be found guilty on all charges. I thought it was bold of miss Emma and Tante Lou to go and talk to Henri Pichot about letting Jefferson know that he was a man, but I didn’t like the fact that Tante Lou made Grant go as well, even though he didn’t want too.

My Berlin Crisis Power Point

                    Check out my Power Point on the Berlin Crisis of 1962!                                →→→→!Aje_t_yYxpvAginHObTw6GjNOJpD ←←←←