
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Yellow Wallpaper

Today, in AP Lit we began reading a diary of a woman with postpartum depression. The woman was put into a room with yellow wallpaper, which she thought were out to get her. The woman was told to refrain from intellectual activities until she was better, but she often found herself writing in her diary. We were asked what the color yellow symbolizes to us and I chose “Bone Cancer Free”. A yellow ribbon symbolizes a person who has overcome bone cancer. Reading this story gives readers a good glance inside the mind of a person with postpartum depression.

Introduction paragraphs

Today, in AP Lit we practice making a introduction body paragraph. We used the Umbrella thesis statement to come up with words to describe Lady Macbeth. With all the words we came up with, the one word to describe them all was manipulator. 

The Theme is.....

Today, in AP Lit we discussed the themes in the play Macbeth. Today’s lesson was to teach us how to analyze themes from not just an entire book but, from a book’s chapter. The themes we were able to come up with from Macbeth were “Know how to control your ambitions”, “You can’t run from fate”, and “Don’t let one influence your actions, despite the incentive”.


Today, in AP Lit, we finished the play “Macbeth”. They ending of the play had a crazy plot twist! William Shakespeare definitely left me wanting to read more of the play, but he suddenly brought it to an end leaving me on my toes and thinking about what could of happened next. Also, in AP Lit, we  were giving prompts to analyze as a group. A word that could describe Macbeth was his ambition. Macbeth was ambitious enough to kill Duncan King, but his over ambition later on turned into karma at the end of the play. (NO SPOILERS!) While reading Macbeth, I was able to come up with a moral theme for the play, “Expect the Unexpected”. All in all, I really enjoyed reading Macbeth with my peers, and I look forward to reading the next play in AP Lit.

Absent 9/23 (MONDAY) ➡️

I was absent today

Crazy Macbeth!

Today, in AP Lit, we read more of Macbeth. There has been a major turning point in the book and things are starting to heat up. Macbeth has Banquo killed in fear of him taking the throne. Banquo's ghost visits Macbeth and it makes him look like he's gone completely mad. Macbeth mood has also changed from ACT I. Macbeth is more demanding and controlling of the people around him. He's even has managed to get the upper hand on Lady Macbeth. We will continue reading this book on Monday, and I am very excited about learning what will happen next in Macbeth.


Today, in AP Lit my group and I  presented the scene we came up with from the play Macbeth. Creating this play was very fun but, also a bit stressful. I say it was stressful because we were constantly having to change lines to fit the mood of a certain scene. Despite having only one day to complete an entire scene, my group and I were able to come together and present as one. Moral of the story, our scene was AMAZING!

What if King Duncan wouldn’t have fallen asleep ? ➡️9/18/2019⬅️

Today, in AP Lit we were assigned to come up with a short scene based upon a situation. My groups situation was “what if King Duncan wouldn’t have fallen asleep” because he actually was killed in Macbeth Act II scene II. We will be presenting our scenes to the class tomorrow.

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth/ Quotes

Today in AP Lit, we read Act II scenes 1-4  from “Macbeth”,today as a class. Act II was about Macbeth and Lady Macbeth murdering Duncan and trying to blame it on the two servants. We were assigned to find evidence(holes) in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s story about what really had happened to Duncan. Also we had to choose five quotes that we felt were effective enough to contradict Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s story.

AP Exam preparation !!

Today in AP Lit, we discussed the AP Exam and how to earn a good score on it. Today, we were informed that the AP Exam scoring system for the essays have been adjusted for the students. This was a huge surprise to me because, I had no idea that was even possible. I thought you just get what you earn. Mr. Rease informed us about how to get the perfect score on the test. I look forward to working and studying for the AP Exam, so I’ll be prepared to get the perfect score. 👌🏾

Coastal Alabama mini tour!

Today, Coastal Alabama’s admissions officer came to talk to me and my peers about the possibility of us coming to “The Coast”. I was very interested about the many programs and majors they have for an affordable price. Coastal Alabama has been added to the choice of schools for me to attend my first years of college!

Reviewing my classmates claims

Today in AP Lit, we reviewed our peers claims on the poem “The Last night she lived” by Emily Dickinson. The way I analyzed my poem, I came to a consensus that the poem was about a jealous women envying another women on her death bed. When we reviewed as a class, I later found out that my analysis was wrong, and Mr. Rease made me understand why and how to not make the same mistake the next time I analyze a poem.

Remembering 9/11

Today is September 11, the day the United States of America was under foreign attack, commanded by Osama Bin Landen. 18 years ago, many patriots and citizens of America lost their lives in the horrible tragedy. Mr. Rease asked us “What does the word “American” mean to you?” It really made me put things into perspective because being an American citizen, I have rights that people in other countries aren’t privileged too. I have the freedom of speech and the right to vote because I’m an American. I have many opportunities in this country, I guess that’s why they call in “The Land of Opportunities”.


Today in AP Lit, we were introduced to the play “Macbeth” by the famous William Shakespeare. I’m very excited about reading this play. Out of all my years in school, this will be my first time getting to read one of his big artworks. I look forward to reading this play with my class.

Ode to a Heavenly Wife (SONNET POEM)

My caring wife, you inspire me to write, I love the way you comfort, hug, and, kiss, Invading my mind day and through the night, Always dreaming about the heartfelt bliss. Let me compare you to a daring spoon? You are more glaring, passionate, and fond, Clear sun heats the staring peaches of June And summertime has the registered bond. How do I love you? Let me count the ways. I love your wholehearted hair, smile, and eyes, Thinking of your hearted smiles fills my days, My love for you is the sincere disguise. Now I must away with a tender heart, Remember my sheer words whilst we're apart.

South Alabama mini tour!

Today me and my fellow senior classmates, took a mini tour of The University of South Alabama. The admissions officer was very informative about the different types of programs they offer to incoming freshmen. Today, I asked about their criminal justice program and she informed me that it was they second most popular major they have at USA. Also, she told me that the student teacher ratio was 1:16, so that was a major +1 for me. I look forward to learning more information about USA.

Absent sept 4

Absent September 3, 2019

I was absent today.