History in the Making by Barney Scout-Mann

The article "History in the Making" is about a group of inspirational survivors who trailed the Pacific Crest Trail. Gordon Petrie was the first YMCA Relay Boys who put the PCT on the map. The relay teams consisted of 40 teams of teenage boys who carried a logbook along the PCT to collect data and write down memories to share among each other. This article also talks about reuniting the YMCA Relay Boys , to talk about their experiences and memories from the Pacific Crest Trail.

                                   3 facts I learned from the article

1. People started walking along the PCT in the early 1930's.
2. Warren Rogers led the PCT trail and safeguarded the logbook for 50 years.
3. The oldest person to trail the PCT was Marcus Moschettto who is 90 years old .

                                   2 words that I found critical to understand

1. Safeguarded- to protect from harm or damage with an appropriate measure.
2. Weathered- worn by long exposure to the air.

                                   2 unanswered questions

1. Was it difficult for the first group of boys to trail the PCT in the early 1930's ?
2. Were the able to replenish the photos they took while trailing the PCT ?

                                 2 Interesting facts about the article
1. The reunited the members from the 40 teams after 75 years.
2. The PCT was a trail made of dreams that were fulfilled and broken.


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