One very important thing I learned in first semester was to take notes on information that is only beneficial to you because taking notes will help you analyze any source that is put in front of you. One thing that I can improve on is being able to work within the time limit I’m given. Lastly, something I would like to learn is how to properly use big words I don’t understand and put them into any future essays I’m going to be writing in AP Language. -2019
“You’re” by Sylvia Plath
Today in AP Lit, we read “You’re” by Sylvia Plath. This poem had a great amount of similes in them, that made me kind of confused at first, but when I decided to re-read it again I found some clarity. I took from the poem that the speaker was talking about a small or unborn child. The similes really gave the poem a mystery, making me even more interested in finding out what it was about.
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