
Showing posts from January, 2020

“On Aging Analysis”


Maya Angelou

Today in AP Lit, we read Still I Rise by Maya Angelou. The poem was very inspiring. It teaches people to continue to rise, no matter what life throws at you. Also, seeing her perform the poem, made the poem even more inspiring, because is was as if she was expressing herself. I am very much excited to read more of the great Maya Angelou’s Poems.


Absent Today

My Blackness is Everything to me.

My Blackness means everything to me. Being Black means I sometimes get to wear my hair straight or sometimes curly with no troubles. Being Black means my skin glows under every angle from the sun, thanks to "OUR" special gift from the universe. It's called Melanin by the way. Being Black means having rhythm when there isn’t a beat being played physically, but one that is being played within my soul. Being Black means I have to go a little bit harder than the "SUPERIOR" race, so "THEY" think. Being Black means I have to have thick skin in order to survive, so "THEY" say. Being black means I have to excel academically and athletically to pay respects to my ancestors. I wonder does "SHE" know just how wrong "SHE" was? "Being Black is a privilege". "HE" said. "Being Black has its disadvantages". "HE" also said. What could "HE" possibly know? "I" asked.  "Being Bl

T E S T !!

Today in AP Lit, we were given 12 questions to answer. The passage was an easy read at the beginning, but took a swift turn. The questions were a bit challenging, but I just used the process of elimination method and came out with an 75%. After having our papers graded, we were given a chance to redeem ourselves with a group. After we discussed our answers, we came out with a 100%. I was really excited about that. :)

The Pardoner’s Tale questions (Thursday)

Today in AP Lit, we were assigned to new groups, to answer questions. Today’s group assignment went a little better than yesterday’s group because everyone was in sync with each other. We all were thinking of the same ideas, to answer our questions correctly. A group always function well when everyone participate with one another, instead of depending on one group member. Also, the questions weren’t multiple choice, we had to do some critical thinking to come with our answer. Overall, we were able to get through the questions together, without bickering. The assignment flowed smoothly.

Multiple Choice as a group (Wednesday)

Today in AP Lit, we worked in groups to answer the questions we came up with from yesterday’s tale. In my opinion, working in groups today was kind of ineffective, because everyone had different ideas or didn’t want to speak up about what the answer could be, so we did really poorly on answering the questions as a group today. In my opinion any progress is good progress, and sometimes you won’t agree with everyone in your group, but effort is everything.

Elimination Skills( Tuesday)

Today in AP Lit, we tested our elimination skills on a pop quiz. I did better than I expected to do on the pop quiz. I final grade was a 83 on missing 2 out of 12. I feel like I’ve made progress on my test taking skills. I’m still not where I want to be, but I’m determined to keep practicing. Also, in AP Lit, we were put into groups to come up with a question from the Pardoners Tale. Today was very productive and I enjoyed class today.

The Pardoners Tale(Monday)

Today in AP Lit, we read the “Pardoners Tale” This has been my most favorite story from the Canterbury Tales because it teaches one, very valuable lessons. I felt like the moral of the story was “Never become evil, for a good incentive”, meaning that you shouldn’t corrupt your actions just to get something good from it. Also, in today’s lesson, Mr. Rease quoted bible verses to further explain and break down some of the stanzas from the tale. All in all, I feel really excited about reading the next tale from the Canterbury Tales.

The Old Lady of Bath(Friday)

Today in AP Lit, we finished reading the Old Lady of Bath. This story was about a knight who committed a crime and was rewarded a faithful but old wife, instead of being punished to death. The knight was then given a choice to be with a young woman who was unfaithful or an old woman who was wise and faithful. I was expecting him to choose the young woman, but he ended up choosing the   Older, faithful woman. This story really gave me a perspective of how the male mind work.

The Beginning of the Canterbury Tales ( Thursday)

Today in AP Lit, we started reading part of the Canterbury Tales. We were assigned to characterized each character by their physical, positive, and negative characteristics. We were introduced to 3 characters today, and they’re all have very different characteristics. Tomorrow we will be introduced to more characters and will follow up on recording their characteristics and features.

The Canterbury Tales (Wednesday)

Today in AP Lit, we were introduced to “The Canterbury Tales” by I very famous writer by the name of Geoffrey Chaucer. We will begin ready this book this week. In the past, I’ve heard that the stories inside of this book were very interesting, so I am very excited to get into this book this week. Also, today in AP Lit, we listened to a very powerful speech about “effort is everything”. The video really inspired me to not be discouraged about not being as smart as the next person. Also, that you don’t have to be smart to be successful.

Happy New Year!! (Tuesday)

Happy New Years everyone. Today was the first day back from Christmas break. Today in AP Lit, we  watched a video of a man named Blake Fly which basically discussed the importance of your “Last Year” in high school. The video informed high school seniors to cherish their last moments of their last high school year.  Blake Fly also have us a list of people to thank, before graduation 👩🏾‍🎓. The video was very informative and really made me think about the last four years of my life and how I’ll never be able to have those again.