
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Kite Runner Test

Today in AP Lit, we took a test on chapters 1-12 of “The Kite Runner” I did better than I expected to do. I made 80 on the test. I was able to ached this score because of the process of elimination method. I’m so proud that I’m making progress with taking multiple choice question tests. I’m not perfect at it, but I intend to keep bettering myself at this craft.

The Kite Runner Chapter 12

Today in AP Lit, we took a quick quiz on chapters 9-11. Those chapter were essential to the novel it’s self because it’s the end and the beginning of the major shift in the book which is Baba and Amir moving to America. Chapter 12: We are introduced to a new character namers Saroya. Amir has been eying her for quite some time, but is scared to make eye contact with. One day he sees her at a booth and decides to stop and talk with her. Also, we learned that  Baba is diagnosed with lung cancer but refuses to receive treatment.  Amir tells Baba he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do. Baba replies that he’s been trying to teach Amir precisely this all his life and forbids Amir to tell anyone about his illness.


Today I was absent.

The Kite Runner chapter 8

Chapter 8- This chapter is told from the perspective of a few days after the incident with Hassan and Assef. Hassan is sleeping in more and Amir is avoiding him as well. Hassan’s dad becomes worried and asked Amir did he know anything, and he responds as if he didn’t. This makes me even more upset with Amir because he continues to turn a blind eye on what happened with Hassan. When Amir turned 13 that summer, his fathered invited Assef and his parents. I think this is a small bit of karma for Amir, because maybe seeing Assef face in front of his parents and his dad may help him to tell them what happened to Hassan, but instead he runs away, again.

The Kite Runner chapters 6-7

Chapter 6: This chapters lets readers in on the background of kite running in Afghanistan with Amir and Hassan. Amir admitted that Hassan was more athletic than he was and he was a bit jealous. Amir was also sad that he is never enough for his father. For instance, Baba was buying kite string for Amir and Hassan, when Amir asked for a thicker string which resulted in him buying him and Hassan thicker string. Amir wanted to be his father’s favorite, but no matter what he did he never was. Amir was also a bit envious towards Hassan because he felt he was so pure. Like he couldn’t do anything wrong. He also misplaced judgement when talking about Hassan’s living situation, when actually Hassan likes his home just fine because he had already accepted for what it was. Chapter 7- This chapter takes a Major shift for the entire book. Hassan is raped by a group of boys and Amir stands behind and watches. Amir felt like Hassan was a sacrifice for his father’s love, in spite of all the things H

The Kite Runner chapter 4-5

Chapter 4: This chapter takes a shift back to 1933, the year Baba was born. Also, we learned that Ali’s parents are killed by drunk drivers. Amir’s grandfather took young Ali in and raised him along side Baba, but he never considered him a brother. Hassan and Amir’s situation is similar to Baba and Ali’s because they were both raised by parent figures. Chapter 5: This chapter tells readers about the time Ali, Amir, and Hassan are caught up in between the crossfires of an invasion in 1978.   The gunshots were part of a coup in which Daoud Khan, the king’s cousin, took over the government .

The Kite Runner chapters 1-3

Chapter 1: The setting of the story begins in San Francisco in December 2001, two months after 9/11. We don’t know the narrator’a name yet. Soon the narrator is contacted by an old friend, Rahim Khan, and wants the narrator to come visit him back in Pakistan. The narrator refused going to visit, to avoid his past doings. Chapter 2: We are introduced to a new character by the name Hassan. Hassan and the narrator are friends. Chapter 2 mainly talks about the early childhood of the narrator and his friend Hassan back in Kabul. Hassan’s family lived on the narrators property. The narrator’s mother died during childbirth and Hassan’s mother ran away, so they both didn’t have mothers, which made them bond even more. Chapter 3: Amir’s Father was a builder. He designed and built and orphanage. Though Amir’s father was a architect and was the talk of the town, he was really wealthy. Amir’s Father married his mother, Sofia Akrami who was also from a royal bloodline.  While Baba pours himself

Poetry Out Loud Part 2

Today in AP Lit, my classmates and I finished reciting our poems by the great Maya Angelou. Today i recited my poem “On Aging” and I wasn’t nervous at all. I only stumbled over one word. Being the center of attention kind of makes me nervous, but when I recited my poem today, I felt like I was meant to speak publicly. It was as if I wrote the poem myself. It was a nice feeling and I look forward to doing it again.

Poetry Out Loud...

Today in AP Lit, my classmates read the poems they chose by Maya Angelou. Overall, I think my classmates did a great job on reciting their poems giving the time we were given. On tomorrow I will reciting my poem by Maya Angelou “On Aging”. Hopefully, I can bring it to life as good as my classmates did.

Son to Mother and Mother to Son (Thursday)

Today in AP Lit, we analyzed two famous poems my Mya Angelou and Langston Hughes. These two poems are from the prospective of a mother and a son. In “Mother to Son” the speaker was giving her son words of advice to never give up, no matter what the obstacles are. She also expressed many challenges she had to face while elevating in her life. In the poem “Son to Mother” the son was basically being called a “Momma Boy” because he often called on her for help, but I feel like he shouldn’t be called a momma boy for confiding and seeking guidance from his mother. A child will always be Your child, no matter the age.

Critiquing (Wednesday)

Today in AP Lit, me and my classmates judged 3 essays written by 3 other AP students. Mr.Rease also gave us a rubric on how the AP writing portion is graded. This was a big help to me because, I’ll know what to expect when writing my essay, making sure to hit all the important stuff from the rubric.

The N-Word (Tuesday)

Today in AP Lit, we talk the infamous “N-Word”. We were introduced to the origin and definition of the word. I was introduced to a lot a new word I never knew existed, that are used to address African-Americans. I was kinda in shocked on how N-Word really effects the lively hood of many Americans today. I also didn’t know that the N-Word was as powerful as it was.

The Myth of Music (Monday)

Myth- a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. The poem “The myth of Music” was a very interesting read. I initially thought it was about music not upholding its title on being able to put one in a certain mood. A theme I came up with for the poem was “Music locks in memories, I brain sometimes forget” meaning that if you were to hear a certain song or tune, you would automatically be reminded of something you’ve total forgotten about.