
AP ClassRoom (Wednesday)

Today in AP Classroom, I completed my first assessment with multiple choice. I used the elimination to complete the semi-complex questions. The passage and two poems were very interesting, but that last one left me a little puzzled. In a few days I’ll check my results to see just how effectively I used the elimination method.

The Kite Runner

Today in AP Lit, we watch the movie depiction of our book The Kite Runner. The movie was very similar it’s uncanny. Every little detail was there. Tomorrow we write our essay, and then 3rd quarter will come to and end. Hopefully, I can keep the “A” grade average after tomorrow.

College Tour to ASU!-Tuesday

Today the senior class of 2020, to a trip to Alabama State University. The college tour was fun. I got to bond more with a few a my classmates I haven’t gotten the chance to speak too all 4 years of college. Senior brings people closer together, knowing you may not see a classmate for years or never again in life, so today was kind of bittersweet for me.

Pop Quiz

Today in AP Lit, we took at quiz. To our surprise it was a quiz we had taken the previous year. Mr.Rease tested to see if we were still able to do the elimination method while choosing our choices. I did well on my quiz, better than I thought I was. 2 months from now I’ll be taking the AP Exam, and hopefully I’ll be as thorough when using the elimination method as I was today.

Researcher/ Illustrator

Today in AP Lit, we were given random topics to do based on our book, The Kite Runner. I was given Researcher. My job was to research hidden symbols, facts, and others things from chapter 17. It started off hard but I got the hang of it. I would read some, research some and so forth. After that time  had passed we were asked to trade with someone with a different topic, and I was given illustrator. My job for this topic was to choose a scene or scenario from chapter 17 and draw it onto a piece of paper. This activity was fun and engaging for the whole entire class today.

Pop Quiz!!!!

Today in AP Lit, we were given and pop quiz, which really scared my classmates, but Mr. Rease tricked us and it ended up being a take home quiz 😅. Lol, everyone was relieved. Also, today we were given a prompt and we worked on it together as a class the whole blocked. It was very engaging because majority of everyone was participating today in class.

The Kite Runner Test

Today in AP Lit, we took a test on chapters 1-12 of “The Kite Runner” I did better than I expected to do. I made 80 on the test. I was able to ached this score because of the process of elimination method. I’m so proud that I’m making progress with taking multiple choice question tests. I’m not perfect at it, but I intend to keep bettering myself at this craft.